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    Presently, time of a general computerisation, all over the world steadily occurs increase in a share of the people working in information sphere in comparison with the industrial. So, for example, in the USA hundred years ago, in information sphere 5 % working in industrial - 95 % have been occupied, and for today it is a parity comes nearer to 50 on 50, and similar redistribution of people proceeds. Automation and a computerisation of information sphere, in general lags behind automation of industrial sphere. Now it is already not enough of that the COMPUTER quickly and precisely solves the most difficult settlement problems for the person, today to the person becomes the COMPUTER necessary the help for fast interpretation, the semantic analysis of huge volume of the information. So-called "artificial intellect" could solve these problems. The question on artificial intellect creation has arisen almost simultaneously with the beginning of computer revolution. But on a way of its creation there are many questions: Basic possibility of creation of an artificial intellect on the basis of computer systems. Whether there will be a COMPUTER artificial intellect if he manages to be created, like human under the form of perception and judgement of the real world. Many problems are not solved, and among these problems not last place belongs to problems which the philosophy could help to resolve.

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