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    History created EÑM

    Often laurels of the first designer of the mechanical calculator give to known mathematician Blezu Paskalju. Actually it is known that the German astronomer and mathematician Wilhelm Shikkard, twenty years prior to Paskalja has written the letter to the friend Johann Kepler in whom has described the car, capable to put, subtract, multiply and divide.

    But the version that Shikkard is the pioneer in this area, is not true, as in 1967 notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci unknown earlier with which help to scientists and experts it was possible to prove have been found out that Leonardo da Vinci has constructed the same, as Shikkard, but more than 120 years prior to it. As the first mechanical ñ÷åòíûì the device which existed not on a paper, and worked, there was a calculating machine. It has been constructed in 1642 by outstanding French scientist Blezom Paskalem. Mechanical "computer" of Paskalja could put and subtract.

    This car named "Paskalina". It consisted of a set of vertically established wheels with the figures put on them from 0 to 9. At a complete revolution of a wheel it was linked to the next wheel and turned it on one division. The number of wheels defined number of categories – so, two wheels allowed to consider to 99, three – already to 999.

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  • 1941-1951
  • 1952-1962
  • 1963-1973
  • 1974-1984
  • 1985-1995
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