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    / 1963 - 1973 /

    1963 The first commercial use of reliable electron tubes (CRT) for computer display (VDT).

    PDP-1, developed by Digital Equipment Corporation. In earlier models of CRT displays used oscilloscope.
    1964 the first manual input device.

    Mouse (mouse). Engelbartom A Douglas (Douglas Engelbart) from 1962 to 1964.
    1965 Second minikompyuter.

    PDP-8, developed by Digital Equipment Corp. Approximately in 1965. There was a refrigerator size and price of approximately $ 20000.
    1967 The last successful domestic development, the most powerful computer BESM family.

    BESM-6 was developed in the Institute of Fine Mechanics and Computer Technology, USSR Academy of Sciences from 1965 to 1967. Performance - about 1 million operations per second. The use of single-machine system commands confirm the general trend of increasing the flexibility of command control. The CPU was characterized by a high degree of local parallelism, it has been sverhbystrodeystvuyuschee buffer memory and enhanced system commands, it is capable of stack memory and the splitting of the main memory into independent blocks. Widely used to combine operations to access memory of the arithmetic unit and control device. There were five levels previewing teams. The work of the machine in the time-sharing and multiprogramming system is provided by hardware interrupts, memory protection scheme, indexing and development of conversion virtualnyhadresov in physical memory. There were also indirect addressing and forwarding capabilities. The total volume of software reached hundreds of thousands of lines of code. There were several attempts (the creation of the domestic world-class computing technology (eg, the project Elbrus), but they never reached a serial use and Soviet industry rolled down to a marginal perediranie Product IBM, wasting the potential for scientific study ! foreign technologies by gaze.
    1970 the first multiple user interface. The first large-scale implementation of e-mail.

    Designed by Douglas Engelbartom (Douglas Engelbart) and the Research Center augmentatsii (Augmentation Research Center) IBM Corporation from 1969 to 1970.
    1971 The first commercially available microprocessor.

    Intel 4004 Intel developed in 1971. Intel, develops and manufactures semiconductor memory, obtained from the Japanese company Busicom order to create a chipset for a family of programmable calculators. The traditional approach required the use of a good dozen specialized chips, but one of the engineers of Intel - Ted Hoff (Ted Hoff) abandoned such a decision and, together with two other officers set up a universal logic device in the form of chips, which was recorded in the semiconductor memory commands. He helped Meyzor Stan (Stan Mazor), developed a system of commands, and Federico Fedzhin (Federico Faggin), actually designed the chip. Understanding fantastic opportunity the new inventions, Intel for $ 60'000 bought it from Busicom (perhaps also the Japanese idea, which refused, however, for good luck Intel, then they were on the verge of bankruptcy), and at the end of 1971, the market has a microcomputer ( name "microprocessor" will appear later), a family of 4004. Chip (the size of a fingernail, and U.S. $ 200) contained 2300 transistors. He had a computer ENIAC computing capabilities and can perform 60,000 operations per second
    1971 The first regular use of 8-inch flexible diskettes (floppy disks grandmother).

    Floppy Developed Shugartom Alan (Alan Shugart) at IBM.
    1971 Richard Stallman

    Richard Stallman, pioneer of the movement for open software, is a member of the group Massachussetskogo Institute of Technology, devoted entirely to work on free software. Stallman, author of the first text editor Emac, subsequently organized the project GNU (GNU's Not UNIX).
    1972 The first cloning of computer company IBM.

    EVM created EU member countries of the Comecon (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance), Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union from 1970 to 1987. Single (with Americans), the system of electronic computing machines (EU PC) based on the architecture of IBM 360/370. Much later (in 80-s) such copies of the IBM PC / HT was named clones (clones), or analogues, and potesnili Blue Giant for the second role. There is even movement - klonomaniya continued to this day .
    1972 The first digital microcomputer available for personal use.

    MITS 816 developed by MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems mikroapparatura and telemetry systems) in 1972.
    1973 The first full-function personal computer, equipped with a monitor.

    Alto was developed by Xerox, the laboratory in Palo Alto (Xerox PARC) from 1970 to 1973.
    1973 . TCP/IP

    The base protocol Internet - developed by Vinton Cerf and Bob Kane from DARPA to 1973, Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn from DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency - Agency of the U.S. Defense Advanced Studies), developed the protocol TCP / IP - the network has become the bedrock of Internet. Ten years later, the Ministry of Defense has organized a network of Internet, stipulating that all computers connected to it should be the protocol TCP / IP.

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