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    / 1941 - 1951 /

    1941 The first automatic programmable universal digital computer - Z3 made its developer Dr. Conrad Tsuze (Konrad Zuse), Germany in 1938 - 1941 years.

    Z3 continued development of Berlin Konrad Tsuze - Z1 and Z2. He operated from punched tape used by film and the input and output is done with the numeric keypad and chetyrehknopochnoy tube panel. The machine was based on relay technology, and required approximately 2600 relay: 1400 - for the memory, 600 - for arithmetic modules, and the remaining as part of management schemes. They were installed in three stands: two for one for the memory and arithmetic - and in the control unit (each about two meters in height and width of one meter), the main drawback relay that Signal is a spark of closing and breaking the contacts. Iskra was the cause of wear and corrosion of the contacts and cause failures relays. Tsuze was forced to invent different gimmick to increase the life of your device. The memory consisted of 64 words. Talk the same. As in earlier machines. Tsuze use binary floating-point numbers, but the word length was increased to 22 bit: for mantissa fourteen, seven for the order and one for the sign. Arithmetic module consisted of two mechanisms - to order and mantissa - which operate in parallel. This not only ensures compliance with the four standard arithmetic operations, but also allows to calculate square roots. There were special hardware command to multiply numbers by 1, 0,1, 0,5, 2 or 10. Manufacturing practice modules for the automatic conversion of binary numbers in decimal system, to facilitate reading and writing data. Z3 could play three or four, and adding a second to multiply two numbers of 4 or 5 seconds. But the Z3 in the float-making computation more flexible than that of similar systems. Starting construction in the Z3-1939 m Tsuze has completed its 5 December 1941. Total cost of materials was at that time approximately 6500 dollars. Z3 had never been used to solve serious problems, because the limited memory is not allowed to download enough information to solve systems of linear equations, for which he created. The only model Z3 was destroyed during the air raid in 1944. Z3 - the first device that can be described as fully developed a computer with automatic control of the operations.
    1946 The first great universal electronic digital computer - ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). Designed by John Mochli (John Mauchly) and J. Ppecnep Ekkert (J. Presper Eckert) 1943 - 1946. Electronic numerical integrator and computer" ready in the spring of 1945, became the first fully digital computer. He was the light at the School of electrical engineering Moore (at the University of Pennsylvania). The time of addition - 200 ms, multiply - 2800 ms and dividing - 24000 ms. The computer contained 17,468 vacuum tubes sixteen types, 7200 and 4100 crystal diodes magnetic elements. The total cost base machine - 750000 dollars. The price includes additional equipment, magnetic memory (at a price of USD 29,706.5), and leased from IBM (for 82,5 dollars a month) device to read punched cards (125 cards per minute). It is also included and the rent (for 77 dollars a month) for the IBM-punch (100 cards per minute). Power consumption ENIAC -174 kW. occupies - about 300 sq. m.
    1949 The first large full-function electronic digital computer with a stored program - EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer). A Maurice Vilkes (MauriceWilkes) and members of the mathematical laboratory, University of Cambridge (England) 1946 - 1949, the first program successfully passed May 6, 1949. 1949 invention of the transistor. Bardin, Brattayn, Shokli 1948 - 1949. On the first demonstration of the transistor newspaper "New York Times" reported July 1, 1948 on the penultimate page: "Yesterday, Bell Telephone Laboratories (Wall Street, 463) first demonstrated the device invented by it under the name" transistor ", in some cases it can be used in the field of radio engineering instead of electronic lamp.Pribor was used in the scheme of the radio, does not contain conventional lamps. It was also shown its use in the telephone system and a television device. In each case, worked as a transistor amplifier, although the company states that it can be used as a generator able to create and transmit radio waves. transistor, which form a small metal cylinder about 13mm in length, does not contain a cavity from which the air pumping, grid, anode, or a glass shell to prevent the device from penetrating into the air. He begins to work immediately, without delay to the warming because, unlike radiolampy, there is no thread nakala.Rabochie elements of the device consists of only two fine delay, suitable for a solid piece of semiconductor material with a value bulavochnuyu head, priplavlennomu to a metal base. The substance is placed on a metal ground increases current, the forward to it for a delay and another delay gives enhanced current.
    1950 The first Russian electronic digital computer - MESM ( Model Electronic Counting Machines). SA Lebedev, USSR Academy of Sciences Institute of Electrical Engineering 1946 - 1950 MESM city hall was located in an area of 60 m2. The total number of electron tubes is about S500 triode and about 2500 diodes, including the storage device 2500 triode and 1500 diodes. Total power consumption - about 25 kW. The main parameters of a small electronic calculating machine: The system account - binary fixed point. The number of digits - 16 and one on the sign. Type of storage device - to trigger the cells with the possibility of using a magnetic drum. The capacity of the storage device - to 31 numbers and 63 for teams. Functional capacity of the device - for numbers 31 and 63 for teams. Made operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, shift, comparison, taking into account the sign, the comparison of absolute value, channel management, channel numbers with a magnetic drum, add commands to stop. System commands - trehadresnaya. The arithmetic device - a single, universal, parallel actions to trigger the cells. The system of writing numbers - consistently. Speed - around 3000 transactions per minute. Enter baseline data, with perforating cards or through a set of codes to shtekkernom switch. Rent Results - photography or by an electromechanical printer. Control - a system of programming. Determination of fault-specific test and transfer to manual or semi-work. Surface area - 60 m2. The number of electron tubes, triode about 3500, diodes 2500. Power consumption - 25 kW.
    1951 The first commercially available computer. Kept the program and used a translator - UNIVAC 1, was developed by John Mochli (John Mauchly) and J. Presper Ekkertom (J. PresperEckert) 1946 - 1951, Universal automatic computer was the first electronic digital computer, a common destination. UNIVAC, the establishment of which began in 1946 and culminated in the 1951-meters, had the time of addition of 1 20 ms, multiply - 1 800 ms and dividing - 3600 ms. UNIVAC could save 1 000 words. 12000 digits of the access time to 400 ms maximum. Magnetic tape bore the words 120000 and 1440000 digits. I / O was implemented with a magnetic tape, punched cards, and punch.

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